Do’s and Don’ts After Teeth Extraction

Do’s and Don’ts After Teeth Extraction

Jul 07, 2022

If you need your teeth removed, whether it’s the wisdom teeth or the extraction is due to other reasons, there are do’s and don’ts after extraction. We’ve listed some do’s and don’ts in this article.

Post-Operative Instructions: Day 1-2

The essential aspect of tooth extraction recovery is maintaining the blood clot in the tooth socket. This important part of healing helps you avoid potential complications like dry sockets. Experiencing a dry socket is a painful condition when the blood clot becomes dislodged or fails to develop, exposing the underlying bone and nerve endings.

Following this aftercare do’s and don’ts will help promote a healthy blood clot and healing.


They include:

Get Adequate Rest

A tooth extraction from your nearest dental clinic doesn’t feel like a major procedure, but it’s still surgery. Get ample relaxation after your procedure to allow the extraction area to heal properly. You should keep your head in an upright position as much as possible to allow a clot to develop and prevent continuous blood flow.

Allow the Extraction Site to Clot

After tooth extraction in Mesa, you’ll experience bleeding, and it’s normal. You’ll find yourself changing your gauze for up to an hour after the procedure, but the extraction site will form a clot which prevents the area from bleeding further. When you don’t allow a clot to form can increase the chances of an infection, so you should keep the extraction site clear of objects like straws and food particles.

Get Your Fluids

Hydrating or drinking a lot of water helps keep your teeth clean and bacteria-free to keep your body hydrated and enhance your oral health. You should drink a lot of water after your tooth extraction. It helps keep the extraction area clean and prevents infection. You shouldn’t drink anything using a straw since the sucking motion disturbs the extraction site.

Address Any Pain and Swelling

You might feel pain or swelling after your wisdom teeth removal in Mesa, AZ, which usually lasts up to three days. You should have an ice pack handy to alleviate any pain or swelling. Place the ice on your cheeks for about 10 minutes to help reduce swelling. You can also place the ice on your face for about 15 minutes for the first 24 hours.

Take Your Prescribed Medications

Our dentist in Bella Via Dental will provide you with prescription medications or advise you to take over-the-counter medications to relieve pain.

In addition, you might be given antibiotics for any possible infection. Take pain medications as needed and ensure to take the antibiotics as prescribed by your dentist until they are gone. This will promote healing and reduces the risk of complications.

Eat Soft Foods

Some foods can irritate the extraction area and dislodge a blood clot for the first 24-48 hours. Try sticking to soft foods like mashed potatoes, yogurt, soup, or scrambled eggs. Also, you should avoid chewing at the side of the extraction area.


Some things irritate the extraction area and affect healing and clotting. It’s essential to avoid some of these things to help promote a speedy recovery and reduce the risk of dry socket.

Don’t Disturb the Clot

Having a missing tooth might feel strange, but you should avoid poking around the extraction area with an object or your tongue as the site heals. Instead, if you feel like something is off, you should call your dentist right away and have them examine the area carefully.

Do not Drink Carbonated Beverages or Alcohol

Carbonated drinks and alcohol can damage your clot in your extraction area and cause complications. You should try to avoid drinking them for at least four days after you’ve had an extraction. Also, you should avoid hard foods.

Do not Smoke

When you smoke after an extraction, chemicals found in tobacco can affect blood clotting and increase the risk of developing dry sockets. Therefore, our cosmetic dentistry in Mesa, AZ, recommends that you avoid smoking for at least 48 hours after you’ve had an extraction.

Do not Spit

Although increased saliva and blood are normal after tooth extraction or restorative treatment, you may think that spitting is the simple solution. However, it adds pressure on your mouth when you spit and might affect your blood clotting. So instead, you should lean on a sink and let blood and saliva drip out.

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